Thursday, 25 October 2012

photo shoot one

In this photo shoot I got shots of Rachel who is playing Jules for the poster and magazine. I also got a group shot for my magazine cover.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


We see a house with a long garden path with the gate in the foreground. Jules steps forward and we see her from the hips down as she pauses to look up at the house. There is silence until she sighs and places her hand firmly on the gate to open it.
Cue party music
Jules-(voice over)­-shot walking around party pausing and zooming into people’s smiles- as a teenager in the 21st century I’m often presented with sets of rules I have to follow. As an awkward teenager, I often follow these rules, bar one night. I’m not a people person and human interaction really isn’t my thing, so ‘that night’ was always going to be disastrous­­.-cut to webcam shot, cue end of party music and start of riff 1- But I guess I kind of had a hand in it too. (pause) Anyway I’m Jules, I’m 17 and I probably hate you, unless you’re the curly haired -cut to shot of rob hair tucking- tall mysterious life ruiner who occupies my mind 98% of the time with his hands - cut to shot of Rob hands then to shot of eyes and smile-  and his eyes and his everything. -cut to webcam shot- (mutter) asshole. I don’t even. -sigh-  How can anyone be so perfect, really? - cut to shot of Rob laughing- anyway, I come online to vent to all of you people who take the time to listen, so thanks. This is the story of my never ending night, please take note. Because, THIS –cut to photos shot w/camera shutter sfx +flashes, back to webcam- this ­­–cut to crying shot back to webcam- this cut to burning photos shot back to webcam- THIS cut to Rob catching Jules shoulder and back to webcam-  is NOT all part, of growing up.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Jules's photos

NEED (Props)-
Green top

Backstage SG16

Poster: asleep at laptop
Mag: stood central

Monday, 15 October 2012


I spent my time in class working on the blog site and making all the pages I'm going to need for the promotions package and this also means I have the basis of my poster done. I plan on using a 'screenshot' of the blog page for my promotional poster with something along the lines of 'logging in spring 2013' to link to the internet themes. so in the next lesson i will be finishing my poster.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Space.vent drafts

So originally I used the site tumblr as a style model for my 'blog site' with its colour scheme:

But then I decided that I should make the colours match my colour scheme so I can use it for my promotions poster :

The purple and green may seem less professional and realistic but it works well for my genre and will fit in well with the synergy.

Costume design

 This is a sketch of the main character, Jules', costume for when she is vlogging. I wanted to show her being 100% relaxed when on her blog and how she can be herself and comfortable by wearing a big old jumper. I wanted to keep the colour scheme with the green though.
 This is a sketch up of the outfit Jules wears to the party, the red stripes are meant to be purple but its showed up wrong on the scan. I wanted it green and purple to match the colour scheme whch is going to synergise through the promotions package like we saw in the juno package
This is a sketch up of Robs costume, we dont see him much in the trailer but i wanted to show him as being simple and relaxed while still looking very good.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

magazine mock up

so my basic idea for the image is a layered shot. With a group shot of the party way back in the nbackground with everything going wrong, then a full body shot of Rob in the mid ground top show he is of some importance and is away from the disasters, and then a profile shot of Jules central to show she is the main character and is away from all of the chaos in the image.

Female Casting

As none of the girls I contacted would like to be a part of the work I'm struggling to find the right girl. I'm very specific on what i would like her to be like so it's becoming increasingly difficult to cast someone as Jules and may have to play her myself, or ask my younger cousin. The only problem with asking her is that she is only 15 and may not look right for the part. As this develops I will write a post explaining my conclusion.


I have chosen from the actors who responded for the role of Rob and written to him

movie magazine cover analysis

The first thing that stands out to me is that the colours are always consistant and compliment eachother but still stand out well. the colours often relate in a way to the film themes, like the suckerpunch cover uses orange, to show heat (sexy, fighting etc) Sherlock Holmes has been used with a pale blue to show mystery and avatar, of course, used bright blue because the creatures are blue
 The main feature is very central and the fonts are consistant. each of them have a coverline above the magazine title which works well. the simple fonts are vital so that anything different can stand out much more. its also easier to have varying sizes of a simple font as it will look good big or small.

the main image is always overlaying on the masthead, this shows that they are important and stand out. The protagonist is always central to show their importance. I will bare this in mind when putting my cover together.
 puffs are subtle but still do their job because they differ to the simple font, meaning they stand out simply..
I will apply all these features to my movie magazine.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Conventions of a magazine cover

you will often find the following things on a standard magazine cover:

-date/ issue number
-main feature
-consistant colour scheme
-secondary images